Word of the Year!
As with the last two years I have done this, the word I have chosen came to me quickly and without a doubt! There are so many things I need to work on, but this one immediately struck me as what I want to focus on this year. My word of the year for 2011 is......
As I said 2011 was a very humbling year for us, and in the midst of it all our blessings and the service of others was what shone through. I am thrilled to take 2011 to focus on all the different ways I can serve in my life. First and foremost, serving my family. I am excited to serve my family, to help all of us become better and closer to our Savior. I am looking forward to serving in the Church, while we have been staying in Eagle Mountain we have not had the opportunity of serving in callings. I have been so surprised to find out how much I have missed it! I love the associations it brings, I love how much more I depend on the Lord to make up for what I lack. I am excited to serve in the Temple. I am excited to look past my little family and our needs and serve those in our community that have so little. On Christmas Eve this year we went to The Road Home shelter and donated a trunk full of toys and baby clothes. It was a life changing experience for me and hopefully my kids too. Often in our prayers now Skylar will ask Heavenly Father to bless the kids at the homeless shelter. We were so humbled and only wished we had done more. We have made a family commitment to do something each month (ie make blankets, put together hygeine kits etc) so by the time next Christmas Eve rolls around we will have a donation that really means something, that we have all worked for.
If you feel overwhelmed by New Year's Resolutions I encourage you to pick just one word, its a great way to feel your making a change without going overboard :) If you need some ideas, here are my words for the last two years!! Have a Happy New Year everyone!!
Just in case there aren't enough days to celebrate...

Tom the Turkey Family Home Evening
To prepare for this lesson I printed off the story, "The Turkey with the Terrible Temper", and printed off several turkeys. You need a brown, red, blue, green, purple and yellow turkey and then one white one that you can color brown with a feather in each of the above listed colors. As I read the stories to my children I show them the different colored turkeys to go along with the story. I can't remember where I initially found this story, so I typed it up here for you. I did make a few changes to the original, just a little different wording for my younger children.
The Turkey With the Terrible Temper
Once there was a little BROWN TURKEY who had a TERRIBLE TEMPER. He often flew into rages and ranted around until he was a nuisance in the farm yard. One day he lost his temper about some little thing and got so angry he flew into a rage and went RED as a beet. The other turkeys laughed at him and said: You're RED, RED RED as a BEET: RED from your head to the tip of your feet. Tom Turkey didn't like anyone or anything so he ran away and hid. He sat and sulked for a long time. When he calmed down and came out of his hiding place he was really RED all over. His head was RED and his neck was RED- he was RED from head to his feet.
He hurried to the edge of the farm to visit Dr. Owl how was wise and knew all the answers to everything. "You will have to learn to control that temper of yours!" hooted Dr. Owl. " If you don't remember in time you will end up being a very sorry turkey." The next morning Tom Turkey was brown again except that he had a red feather in his tail. He was very glad to be brown again, but he still thought it was everybody else's fault that he gotten so angry the day before. Tom's mother called him to help with the Monday wash.
But Tom got the BLUES as soon as he started working. He moaned and groaned until his mother said he was acting like a baby. You can guess what happened next- he lost his temper again. This time he went BLUE ALL OVER! As he was running away to hide all the other turkeys yelled: You're BLUE, BLUE from your head to your toe, BLUE all over wherever you go. This time Tom Turkey sat and sulked and blamed his mother for losing his temper.
By morning he was BROWN again but now he had a blue feather next to the red one in his tail. You can guess what happened the rest of the week. On Tuesday Tom didn't want to clean up the yard. He said he hated cleaning up with a PURPLE passion. Just as soon he had said he was in a rage he turned PURPLE all over. The Turkeys shouted: You're PURPLE, PURPLE, that's all we can see, you'd better go hide under your favorite tree. Of course Tom Turkey sat and sulked and blamed everything onto to everyone else. On Wednesday morning he was BROWN again but he had a PURPLE tail feather added to his the RED and BLUE one. He was beginning to feel ashamed that he couldn't control himself when he wanted to. He went out for a walk when he saw a big ear of corn that his turkey friend was eating. Tom was GREEN with envy.
He thought the farmer had no right to give someone else the cob of corn. And before he knew it he had turned GREEN all over, and was in another terrible temper tantrum. The turkeys all turned on him and yelled: You're GREEN, GREEN GREEN as the grass. Why don't you get wise and stop all the sass? And of course again, Tom Turkey went to his hiding place to sulk and feel sorry for himself. On Thursday morning he was BROWN again but now he had a GREEN feather amongst the other brightly colored tail feathers. But something was happening to Tom Turkey. He was really beginning to want to change. He wanted to keep his temper. He didn't feel like being ashamed of himself. He was determined to try hard and do just that. Of course all the turkeys liked to tease Tom and while they were playing a game of Gobble and Waddle someone called Tom a coward. Before Tom started to think he had flown into another tantrum.
This time his face turned YELLOW and his neck was YELLOW and the turkeys were saying he had a YELLOW streak down his back. They yelled: You're YELLOW, turkey. Just like we said, Why don't you go home and hide under the bed? Tom Turkey had turned YELLOW all over because he had forgotten to control his temper. But this time he sat under a tree and thought a long time about everything. He had only himself to blame for his mistakes. He was beginning to realize that he was the only one who could make things better. When he awoke in the morning he was brown again with a new yellow feather in his tail. He didn't say a word to anyone, he just went about his business and said to himself: " I can do it, if I try hard enough !" Mother Turkey asked Tom to keep an eye on the little turkeys when she went to the store on Friday. While she was gone all the baby turkeys ran through the house with muddy feet. When Tom saw what they had done, Tom almost lost his temper.
But this time he just held his breath as long as he could. He turned as pale as a ghost , but he didn't lose his temper. The turkeys yelled: You're WHITE, WHITE but your temper didn't show. Maybe you're changing, we really hope so. All Saturday and Sunday he kept calm and was tickled PINK to think he had gone two days without a terrible temper tantrum. He was still a little BROWN turkey, and a very happy one too. He reported back to Dr. Owl on Monday and Tom Turkey thanked him for his help. Dr. Owl told Tom he had earned the right to wear the brightly colored tail and that he should show it off proudly from now on. So when you go to the farm and see the turkey with his fan shaped tail all unfolded, remember this story about the turkey with the terrible temper.
I know, it seems a little long, but it held my 5 and 3 year old's attention....and thats saying something!! :) I just have to quickly say, I LOVE lessons and opportunities to teach our children that they have a CHOICE. They choose how they act, they choose to find happiness or not. I think it is very empowering for children, where they may often feel like they don't have many choices at all.
There you have it!! I was inspired once again this Sunday to rededicate our family to having weekly Family Home Evenings. In our families and our homes is where some of the MOST important learning in this life will take place. The church has wonderful programs, but they are only meant to supplement that which is already being done in the home. I am excited for the challenge to teach my children the things my Heavenly Father would have them know, and create some wonderful memories in the process!!
So grateful....

Don't be a turkey....Give Thanks!!
Just what I needed....
How THIS guy got us some free tickets for a Witchy Breakfast :)

A few week ago I noticed a contest Gardner Village was having on their Facebook page. First you must understand my obsession with Gardner Village....what can I say, I'm obsessed!! I love going there, and there is no time I love it more than at Halloween time. If you don't believe me see the posts here and here :)
This contest they were having was for 4 tickets to their annual Breakfast with a Witch! I have thought the last several years that this would be fun for our family, but I have never been able to part with $40 for a breakfast buffet :) However, all you had to do for this contest was to share your favorite Halloween memory for your chance to win. As everyone always says, I never win anything, but I thought I would give it a try. I have lots of good halloween memories, my mom was always great at making everything special and fun, but one always stuck out to me....
When we were younger we were poor....I mean, really poor. Like living in a garage, surviving on food stamps, single mom working and going to school full time POOR. The great thing was though, I never felt poor at the holidays. My mom would tirelessly work to make holidays special and memorable for us, without spending lots of money. One year she came up with the best costume idea I have seen yet....she had my little brother be the Little Ceasar's Pizza Guy!! I mean toga, grecian headpiece, and two pizzas on a stick and everything!! It was SO clever, and trust me we got lots of attention everywhere we went (which I loved, because it really translated into more candy ;)
As I told my mom about the contest she reminded me about little details I had forgotten, how she had used frozen pizzas during the day for the school parade. They got pretty soggy, so for trick-or-treating she tried cooking them instead...I am not sure that result was much better ;) But the best thing about this all is what a great reminder it was to me about the importance I feel in making things special for my kids. Even though at the time it feels like so much work, they really will remember all the love and energy that went into all the silly little things we do...even if it doesn't go the way we planned.
I love my mom and the example she has set for me in so many ways. As I sat with my daughters while we dined with the witches I was SO grateful for the loving way I was raised, that helped prepare me to create such special memories with these children of my own. And yes...now I am feeling a little bit of pressure to get more creative with the kids Halloween costumes! :)
Dinosaur Week

What do socks, french toast, and joy all have in common?

If three is so good....
A fun educational game for at home or on the road
(Sorry, not the best picture, but you get the idea!)
For Kendall I am using it this week as we are learning about the farm. One of our activities is to match baby animals to their mommy animals. I made magnets out of pics I printed online and we are going to do a matching game tomorrow. One other fun thing the kids LOVED in the car was I would put different colored Skittles in the tin, and they would have to try and find another one that had the same color...it was a hit! :)
And the winner is...
Friend Week at our Preschool
A Dora Birthday Breakfast Adventure!!
Jizdani Designer Bags GIVEAWAY!!!
A little back to school fun!
I had heard of the book "The Kissing Hand" from several people and figured I had to include it in our back to school traditions. If you haven't read it, you should!! As I read it to Skylar while we ate our back to school breakfast I couldn't help but cry, it is such a sweet story with a wonderful message for any child that is nervous or scared about any kind of big change in their life. (The funny part was Skylar kept saying, "Why is he scared to go to school Mom? I can't wait for school!":)
As far as breakfast goes, Skylar loved it!! (Please tell me you can see that is supposed to be a big pencil...my husband couldn't figure out why I would make her a rocket for her first day of school!;) Its just sliced strawberries for the eraser, pancakes for most of the pencil, whipped cream and chocolate for the top! Quite delicious if I do say so myself :)
And here is the big Kindergartener herself! She is such a poser...cracks me up all the time! Kendall (and maybe me) cried when she left to go to school, it is a big change in our lives. Kendall has never taken a nap without Skylar in the room with her, and I miss our carefree, easygoing days. With that all said...school is the best thing for Skylar. She needs that social interaction and she LOVES to learn. It is an adjustment, but we are loving it.
And of course, you must have fun snacks when you get home from school! I made these for my Young Women last year when they went back to school and have been planning them for my own kids ever since. I got the idea from Family Fun, you simply make cupcakes, frost them, and then use chocolate covered graham crackers as the chalkboard. I used the white Good and Plenty's for the chalk, and just frosting for the apples (I KNEW I was forgetting the skittles at the store!!)
That night when Skylar went to bed she said "I wish EVERY day could be the first day of school!" Mission accomplished folks! There are so many hardships in life, sometimes I look at my kids and feel scared about all they are going to have to deal with. One thing I can do to counter those hardships is to make sure I don't let any of these fun FIRSTS pass us by without celebrating and finding joy in them!! Hope everyone had a great Back to School! ( And lets be totally honest...I am loving 3 hours of my day with one less munchkin to chase around!:)
Farm Week at our Preschool!
Back to school!!
Labor Day Sale at Sky Blue Designs!!

Better late than never!!

Once again, thank you so much to everyone that commented, became a follower or posted about my little giveaway on facebook! Your kind words meant so much to me and you can plan on lots more fun giveaways and specials from Sky Blue Designs!!
Ok, I couldn't resist just one more

I can't seem to get enough of the orange and blue combo for this fall! This handmade headband has 3 fabric yo yo with button centers, perfect for a girl of any age. {And I might add, enjoy this model....she is much cuter!!}
So the rules are the same as yesterday, here are the ways to get entries:
1-Leave a comment on this post
2-In a seperate comment let me know if you are a new follower or if you already were one!
3-Post about this giveaway on Facebook or your blog and, once again, leave me a comment about it
This giveaway will go until midnight tonight, best of luck!!!