I am so grateful today for so many things, I thought I would just list a few :) My friend that takes amazing pictures gave me the CD this weekend of the family pics she did for us a while back and I was so excited to see them. I love this family of mine, as crazy as we all are, as loud as we all are, I love them. I KNOW that the reasons my children were sent to me are two-fold: there are things as a mother they need from me, and their are probably more things that I need to learn from them. I love my husband. I love him so much more now than I did when I married him. We both have our flaws and our weaknesses, but we try hard to overcome them and we both just feel lucky to have each other. I feel a great responsibility to do these amazing people in my life justice, to be the mother and wife they deserve. At times it feels overwhelming, but I know I am not in it alone. I am surrounded by love and support, but mostly I am surrounded by a loving Father in Heaven that wants nothing more than the best for my family. By following the principles he has given me, through repentance, forgiveness and all the other help we humans need, his grace can make up what I am so deperately lacking. So today that is what I am grateful for. This precious family of mine, the motivation to do more and be better, and the love and mercy of our Heavenly Father.
Your family is so beautiful! i love these pictures! they are awesome! I am grateful for you and your family too!! :)
you guys could do modeling on the side.. or do you?
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