Hello all!! :)
Welcome to another Smiling this Sunday. I am loving looking back on my week and seeing what kinds of things, big and small, have made me smile!
First up...my not-so-little-anymore Avrie.
This girl is on the move! We are in that great stage of having to vacuum the floor 10 times a day, and making sure ALL the doors are always closed, and enjoying watching her curiosity.
Her favorite place to get into? The pantry!!
When I walked into the kitchen earlier in the week I saw this...
Welcome to another Smiling this Sunday. I am loving looking back on my week and seeing what kinds of things, big and small, have made me smile!
First up...my not-so-little-anymore Avrie.
This girl is on the move! We are in that great stage of having to vacuum the floor 10 times a day, and making sure ALL the doors are always closed, and enjoying watching her curiosity.
Her favorite place to get into? The pantry!!
When I walked into the kitchen earlier in the week I saw this...
Yeah...looking a LITTLE mischievious I would say!
Then I walked a little bit further and saw THIS...
Next up...:)
In a temporary moment of insanity I signed up to run a half marathon in April. Now you're probably thinking, "Cool. Lots of people run half marathons." Well...I don't! I have NEVER been able to run. Honestly...never really wanted too. But after I had my 4th baby I decided I really wanted to get fit, not just thin. My original goal was to be able to run 3 miles. This was pretty big for me because the longest I had EVER been able to go before was 2. So I set the goal for myself and accomplished it back in October. Once I did that I was able to push it to 4. My awesome sis-in-law that is a fantastic runner kept telling me " Once you run 6 miles...you can do anything". Did I believe her?! Not really :) But...I wanted to find out if she was right. In November I worked my way up 6 miles and felt SO great! I decided to give myself more of a push I would sign up for a half marathon and start a training program. This brings me to what made me smile this week....
Yesterday I completed my first 10 mile run! According to my schedule, that is the longest run you need to do before your race. For me...I'm going to do at least one 12 mile run, just to give me the confidence, but I am almost there!
I still don't love running. My knees always hurt after and I ALWAYS want to quit right around 2 miles. But I am learning that I CAN do hard things. I am learning to push myself harder than I thought I could. And it feels good :)
One day my doorbell rang and there was a huge box on my doorstep. It was from Amazon and I immediately got irritated that my husband bought something ;)
When I opened it up THIS is what I found...

A Ninja blender!! Have you seen these thing?! They are SO awesome! It can do juicing, smoothies, make dough...the list goes on and on!
But the coolest part was the note inside, it simply said "From Dad...just because I love you"
How cool is that?! My dad sent us this awesome blender...just because :) I'm a very lucky girl.
SO...now its YOUR turn! What is making you smile this beautiful Sunday? :)
How cool! What a great gift! Well, my daughter (4) bore her testimony for the first time today! I got to sub in nursery and the kids were sooooo fun and cute! Then I actually got to take a nap (that never happens!) and we got to go to a pond near our house and feed ducks! What a great Sunday!
Oh my goodness, what a little cutie! My little girl is a big trouble maker too. She loves the pantry also and her latest is removing all of her clothes from her dresser. I feel like all I do is close doors and drawers all day long. Haha But she's so worth it. :)
10 miles! Wow! That is awesome. A half marathon is quite the accomplishment, You'll do great.
AND a Ninja, just because!! Even that makes me smile.
Have a good day.
Isn't it funny how with all the toys kiddos have nowadays they find the most pleasure in drawers, garbage, etc? Haha...my nephew does the same thing!
Wow, good for you on the running. You sound exactly like me. I hated running and the best I can do is 2 miles too and that is a on a GOOD day!
I found your blog on pinterest and might quickly become a stalker! I have five little girls (yep, you read that right) and there are so many darling ideas on your blog, plus it is so nice to read something uplifting every now and then instead of dreadful news. I am training for a 10 K right now with the same intent. I want to be fit, not just 'you look great for having 5 kids!' Wishing you the best of luck on your half marathon!
HOLY COW! You blow me away. Seriously...just when I think you can't possibly be more cool than you already are you go ahead and prove me wrong! A half marathon?? That is AMAZING!!!! 10 miles?!?! You rock! I try to run 2 miles about 5 times a week and I absolutely hate every second of it. I love how I feel after I run but I could not imagine running more than that! Maybe someday...
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