

Do-it-yourself Zebra Nails!

Well this week we are learning and enjoying all things ZOO!  I thought of a way I could spend some quality time with my girlies and cute ourselves up for our upcoming visit to the zoo :)

We decided to try out our very own Do-it-yourself Zebra Nails!

These were so fun!  The girls loved them, and I was surprised at how easy they were too.  Yes, I know..they are not perfect.  But that is the beauty of zebra stripes...they can be totally random and imperfect...just my style! ;)

First up, let your little ones pick out their base coat color.  Kendall chose a purpley-pink and Skylar went with turquoise.  I did two coats of each color and then made sure they were COMPLETELY dry.

After our base coat was dry I grabbed a few toothpicks and our black polish.  Dip your toothpick in your black polish and wipe off the excess.  Then I would just drag it halfway across the nail, making each line thinner as it reached the middle of the nail.


It did take a little bit of practice and few do-overs before I got the look we were going for...but once I got it figured out it went really quickly.

The girls had so much fun doing these, and are actually upstairs right now admiring them and talking about how pretty they are ;)

I have a feeling it won't be much longer before they are requesting their toes be done too! :)

Thanks for stopping by today, and come back for lots more WILD zoo activities this week!!



Sounds like a great weekly theme! Your girls are adorable.

Debra Hawkins

Love the cute zebra nails!

Jennifer @ Delightfully Noted

I bet the girls just loved this! I seriously need to be more creative w/ my nails.

Kelley @

haha.. this is so cute Tonii! Your girls look like they loved their nails! Im going to have to try this with Ryley if I can pin her down long enough.. haha :)


This is such a fun idea! I love their nails!

Love Sweet Love

Tonii, my long lost amazing friend!!! Ha ha! I'm the worst bloggy friend ever :(, BUT your blog is still my most favorite and I've just spent an hour going back over ALL the posts I've missed and being re-inspired to have FUN with my kids!:) Oh my goodness, how cute are these nails, my Kylee would LOVE them! Okay so I'm like not even apart of the blogging world anymore-it was the one thing I just had to let go in order to be sane during all these crazy changes our fam has been going through-but we're somewhat settled in this new stage of our lives so hopefully once my kids get into school here in the next couple weeks I can get back into it! Also, I'm remembering that you lived in UT around Salt Lake somewhere right?! We moved to Herriman so MAYBE we can get together now since we're closer?! We love going into salt lake to do things...gateway museum,zoo, you guys ever get out there?? We could meetup and our kids could play! Just shoot me an email or find me on FB or something (Angela Bricker) Eek I'm so excited, hope everything is great with you! (congrats on the 2nd half marathon- SOOOO awesome!!