What a week!! :)
I can't believe its been a whole week without blogging...it was kinda nice ;)
I thought I would do a quick recap of our Spring Break. We didn't do anything ultra-crafty or fancy. Just played at home all day, watched movies, went to the park several times and relaxed!
First up though...cute Easter pictures!! :)

Well...3 out of 4 smiling isn't too bad!
Most of the week we have had really beautiful weather so we spent HOURS outside playing with homemade bubbles (I will NEVER buy them again!!) and chalk.

Kendall LOVES to push Avrie around in her stroller...which is great for me! :)

All in all...a pretty good Spring Break!
Come back next week for lots of Flower Fun, a new family home evening, and more! :)`

Lovely! It looks like you had so much fun!
You have got some adorable kids!! Looks like it was a fun week!
Glad yall had a nice spring break! Happy to have ya back though :)
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