and I'm still in my pajamas...
and my kids sort of look like ragamuffins...
and I haven't started dinner yet...
but I'm totally ok with it :) Wanna know why?
and my kids sort of look like ragamuffins...
and I haven't started dinner yet...
but I'm totally ok with it :) Wanna know why?
Laziness for me means no project for a day. I turn on a movie or my Kindle while the kids are at school and napping. I let the laundry piles sit.
It is lovely. And do you know what's funny?! By the time "Lazy Day" is over, I am usually totally rejuvinated and excited to tackle the next day. AND...I never let myself feel guilty about "Lazy Day". Its a great day to take a breather, enjoy doing normal fun stuff with my kids, and it reminds me how stinking lucky I am to be a stay at home mom that CAN occasionally choose to have a lazy day. can't feel quilty if its on the schedule!! ;)
So I encourage ALL you SuperWomen out there...schedule your very own "Lazy Day"...and DON'T feel bad about it! Even if its just a Lazy Hour. We all need some downtime away from all the stress and responsibilities in our lives. It can change your perspective, make you grateful for those responsibilities and renew your dedication to the things that are most important in your life.
Thanks for stopping by today!!
I MUST do this. Although I don't know if I can start with a whole day, I may have to work up to that, but I think I can schedule an hour. I feel like I don't EVER have any lazy time, and I need it every so often. Thanks for the great reminder! Love all the pictures as well!
That is awesome Tonii! I never schedule these day but am totally going to! BTW I love the pics of your kids!
wow!! what a great bubble picture!!! That is amazing!
Good for you!! We are all deserving of lazy days here & there. Looks like a lot of fun...need me one soon. Have a good weekend.
We have a couple of these a week! Love the pics of the kids on the couch! Great job.
I do this about once a week. Or once every other week! I love getting super caught up on stuff and then KNOWING that I can just BE with my kids and enjoy the day! It is a good reminder not to feel guilty though! Okay, I swear I'm not a stalker, I just really love your blog!
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