Hey everybody! Long time no blog :)
Today I wanted to share a really great family home evening we did last night, inspired by Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who. This week we are doing all things Seuss at our house and I thought it would be fun to tie it into our family home evening as well.
Yesterday we did a few Horton activities during the day and read the book. It was the perfect way to set up our family home evening that night. The theme of our fhe was "A person's a person no matter how small."
To start off I read my favorite quote from Horton Hears a Who:
"Their voices were heard! They rang out clear and clean.
And the elephant smiled. 'Do you see what I mean?...
They've proved they ARE persons, no matter how small.
And their whole world was saved by the Smallest of All!"
Then we talked for a while about how Heavenly Father and Jesus feel about "small" people, or children. We talked about how important they are to Him, and how He taught that we should all try to be more like small children because of their purity and innocence. I wanted to drive home that even though someone may be "small"...they are NOT small in the eyes of our Heavenly Father and Savior, and by making righteous choices they can do great things.
For our activity we played a game called Who Am I? I picked out 6 examples from the scriptures and modern day prophets that, even in their youth, followed the Savior and accomplished amazing things. I just used the Gospel Art Kit pictures I had on hand and put them up on my magnet board. Then I had their names cut out and our theme above it. Here's what it looked like:

Then I would just read one clue and the kids would guess which picture and name I was talking about. They loved the game and I was surprised at how many of the stories they knew.
At the end I bore my testimony that EVERY single one of us matters to Heavenly Father...no matter how small. I couldn't help but cry as I bore witness to my children of the love our Father in Heaven and our Savior feel for them. And not only that they are important...but that through righteous living they CAN be an influence for good in this world.
I included all the printables I used in case anyone wants them...but their are a few disclaimers :)
On the quote from the book...I totally spelled Seuss wrong :) I realized it once I had it taped up last night and I was too lazy to do anything about it.
On the the Who Am I questions for some reason it has some spelling mistakes underlined. Weird...but again, didn't really have time to go back and change it. That's just how I roll over here at the crazy Johnson house :)

I am so grateful for the counsel to have Family Home Evenings. Aside from blessing and teaching my children, which I KNOW it does...it has immeasurably blessed me as well. I am always in awe of the knowledge that Heavenly Father truly knows ME. He knows my family and He knows what we need. As I go to Him in prayer, He gives me inspiration as to the things that my family needs and how my husband and I can best teach them those things. With time I am getting better at recognizing that inspiration, and I feel closer to the Spirit and a (little) more confidence in raising these precious children I have been given :)
Thank you so much for stopping by today :) I hope you are all having a fantastic week so far...and stay tuned! We have some really fun Dr. Seuss activities and treats you won't want to miss!