We didn't have room to bring our huge stroller so we just rented one they had there. It was perfect because Avrie loved looking around and the big girls could sit on the footrest when they got tired.
2 of the loves of my life :)
This is my brother Tim. He is awesome. I couldn't believe how much patience he and his wife Sara had for our kids. It made our trip a million times better having them with us.
One of the kids favorite things to do was feed fish to the sea lions. I couldn't believe they would grab those stinky little fish and launch them at the sea lions!
Here are some of the beautiful sights at San Diego SeaWorld!
They had THE cutest Sesame Street Playland and we all LOVED going on all the rides together.
How can you NOT smile when you take a break from pushing the stroller, look down, and this is what you see?!
I love the smiles on my kids faces...priceless!
I think this was Paul's favorite part of the day,he loves a good rollercoaster. I was glad he had Tim and Sara to go with him ;)
A huge bouncy-house for Britton to go crazy in? Yes please! :)
Man, we had a great time!! I am so grateful for this little family of mine. They have made my dreams come true, even though,lets be honest, some moments feel sort of like a nightmare! ;)
I am finding a deep contentment in my life RIGHT where it is. There is so much to work on and improve, but meanwhile I am grateful for all that we have been blessed with. I love this time of year to reflect on all these beautiful feelings of gratitude and thanksgiving, and try to treasure every minute of living my dream :)
glad you had so much fun. Isn't it amazing how having a few extra extremely patient adults around makes a huge difference? Our kids always do better when their aunts and uncles are around.
Wow, that looks SO fun! What a great vacation with your family! I love all the pictures. You have beautiful children! Such great memories you created!
I love your babies name!! We seriously ALMOST named our last daughter that exact name, spelled the same way and everything!!!! Adorable!!
SO fun!!!! Man you guys are so stinkin cute!
Great shot of the sealions! One of them has a fish in his mouth!
The last time I went to Sea World was when I was in 4th Grade. Boy, it sure has changed since then! What a fun family trip! You always take such fabulous pictures and you have the cutest family ever!
those are way cute pictures. looks like you all had a good time.
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