ALL my kids were excited to go on the Cow Train. How cute are they?! :)
And we can't forget the cornmaze. Paul really wanted to do it with the kids...I was a little unsure. It was actually really fun...and we made it! I was impressed with the kids, by the time we finally found our way out we had been in there for over an hour and it was dark. They did great and minimal tears were shed ;)
Saturday was full of soccer games and General Conference. Busy and fun!
Sunday was a wonderful day full of tradition, inspiring messages and the great outdoors!
We started the morning off with our tradition of Conference Socks and Creme Brulee French Toast. Yum!

Inbetween sessions we took the kids on a drive up the canyon to collect some leaves and listen to Conference on the radio. While were were driving we stumbled upon Bridal Veil Falls...can you believe how gorgeous that is?

It was so wonderful listening to the words of our prophets and being completely surrounded by so much beauty. I couldn't help but be filled with gratitude for the beautiful world a loving Heavenly Father has blessed us with. I am inspired and rededicated to being better. Showing more charity, diving into my scriptures, and boldy declaring with my words AND actions that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend wherever you are too :)

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