The best part about this project was that I got almost all of the supplies at Walmart in their 75% off Christmas clearance! Gotta love a deal :)

The best part about this project was that I got almost all of the supplies at Walmart in their 75% off Christmas clearance! Gotta love a deal :)
Yep...that's it! A bottle of Martinelli's, snowflake ornament, matching ribbon and tag! Doesn't get much easier than that!
Big Christmas pencils tied to clipboards with the elf hunt attached...made the elf hunt MUCH more enjoyable for mom :) And yes, there is a little 2-year old in the background crying his little heart out. Should have been my first sign it wasn't going to be easy! I actually took this pic yesterday...halfway to our destination my little guy threw up everywhere! We had to reschedule our elf fun for today, but I am SO glad we did!
These are basically homemade Oreos with a twist. Here's what you need to get started:
Devils Food Cake Mix
2 eggs
3/4 C shortening or margarine
Candy Cane Hershey Kisses
First up you mix up your cake mix, eggs and shortening. Cook these babies for 8-9 minutes at 350 degrees.
Then instead of whipping up some frosting you are simply going to unwrap a bunch of these little yummies...
And place 2 on the baked cookies while they are still HOT out of the oven.
In just a few minutes they will start to melt and you can use a butter knife to spread them around to cover the top of your cookie.
Once your kisses are melted you add another cookie on top and you are done!
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First have to make your playdough! This was so easy and fun, if you haven't made the homemade stuff before...DO IT! Your kids will love helping and they will feel so proud that they made their very own playdough! I used the Gingerbread Playdough Recipe from HERE
And to make the Peppermint and Wintergreen Playdough I used THIS basic playdough recipe with my special ingredients...
Food coloring and flavoring to give it that wonderful holiday smell! For the Wintergreen we used green food coloring and Wintergreen flavor, and for the Peppermint we used red food coloring and, you guessed it, Peppermint flavor. I just found the different flavors in the baking aisle at my local grocery store...just make sure your little ones know these are JUST to smell...not to eat :) Because of the different spices in the Gingerbread Playdough you don't need any food comes out a nice, pretty brown all on its own.
Now comes the fun part...the wrapping!! I wanted to get my kids in on the fun as well, so here is what we did!
Remember my love for brown paper sacks?? They're back! This time I took a cookie cutter (candy cane for the Peppermint Playdough, tree for the Wintergreen Playdough, and gingerbread man for the Gingerbread Playdough) and got out my acrylic paint. Then I let my kids make stamps on the paper bags to their little hearts content...I think they did a great job!!
Once our bags were all dry, I put a ball of playdough in a plastic baggie so it would stay sealed, dropped it in the paper bag, punched holes through the top and tied it off with ribbon and a fun little cookie cutter!
I don't know how I missed getting a picture of the Peppermint Playdough, but you get the idea :)
I loved that my kids could help with every part of this gift for their friends, including the handing out which we will be doing today!
Oh, I hope you are all just having a wonderful Christmas season!! We have a little stomach bug going rampant at our home, but I am just thankful we are getting it now and not this weekend :) Thank you so much for stopping by and checking out some of our last minute gift ideas!
I am all about using brown paper sacks for gift-giving this year! To make it a little more personalized I cut letters on my Silhouette and used them as a stencil. Then I just stamped the stencil with acrylic paint and added a little bit of glitter for the girls. I left the boys without glitter on this one :)
For inside the bags I made Rice Krispie treats and then used my cookie cutters to get them in these cute star shapes. If you are running low on time (who isn't?!) you could totally use the premade Rice Krispie treats as well. I wish I would have thought of that earlier...;)
Inside of the bag I put a card that says
"For hundreds of years Heavenly Father promised His children the birth of a Savior. The Star was the symbol of His fulfillment of that promise. Everytime you see the star perched high atop a Christmas Tree...remember this: Heavenly Father ALWAYS keeps his promises."
Then I included a personal note and tied it up with ribbon.
To complete the gift I got some matching ribbon and star ornaments. I got the ornaments at WalMart, $2 for 12 ornaments.
Then I just punched 2 holes in the bags, tied the ribbon in one knot, then added the ornament and knotted the ribbon one more time.
And there you have it, a simple gift for the kids in your life, with a great opportunity to bear your testimony that Heavenly Father loves us, knows us, and ALWAYS keeps his promises!
Thank you so much for stopping by! If you are last-minute like I am, keep checking back this week! We are making some super cute gifts for the kids' friends, yummy neighbor gifts, and a SUPER easy, delicious cookie recipe too! Have a wonderful day!
These are as easy as the look :) All you need to get started are some pinecones spray-painted green. I used some of the cinnamon scented kids loved that they smelled too!
Then I just dumped out a bag of Mini Pom-Poms to use for our ornaments.
From there I let the kids go at it. They played for about an hour, decorating their little Christmas Trees. Once they finally settled on just the way they wanted them I hot-glued the pom-poms to the pinecones. My oldest daughter didn't want hers glued so she could decorate it again tomorrow :)
Yep...probably one of THE easiest crafts we have done, but the kids loved it. Just goes to show you sometimes simple is really best. Maybe I can keep telling myself that... ;)
Have a wonderful day everyone and thank you SO much for stopping by!!