Last weekend we took our little family to Park City for the weekend to do some school shopping, go on the Alpine Slide, and have a little end-of-summer celebration! We found a great 3 bedroom condo with a loft and we were off! :)
I love how easy kids are to please! If you ask my kids what their favorite things were about our trip they would say: the TV's in the bedrooms, getting to have sugary cereal for breakfast, and riding these little cars at the outlets!
It was a little tricky to take all the kids on the Alpine Slide because someone always had to stay with Avrie. We just decided to have Paul take Kendall, the I took Skylar, then Paul went again with Britton. It took forever...but was so worth it! The kids loved it and we decided to make it an annual tradition.
This was the beautfiul view from the ski lift....if only I wasn't completely terrified of heights I probably would have enjoyed it a little bit more ;)
To top off our long day at the Alpine Slide we got some refreshing snowcones. Look at those little darlings.
I love this picture. You can't see the kids faces but they were SO excited to see the Christus statue. There is such a special feeling there, it is one of my favorite places to take my chidren.
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