I gotta be honest here...I really struggle with bedrest. I'm sure anyone that has to do it feels the exact same way. It just goes against everything I am to lay around all day and do pretty much nothing. The things that bring me so much joy like teaching my kids, or doing fun activities with them, or keeping a nice organized home are all out the window. Now obviously, it is TOTALLY worth it to get sweet little Avrie here safe and sound...but it doesn't change the fact that I really struggle with it. This time I around I have tried to be a lot less dramatic about it and really look on the bright side. So far I think its going pretty well. One thing I have tried to do is find productive activities I can do while I am taking it easy. One thing I have been so excited about is getting back into digital scrapbooking! Now, be warned: I am NOT that great at it. Nope, I'm really not, but it feels so good to be doing it and I have loved looking back at the pages I have done and remembered some really good times in our lives. And thats what this post is all about: Good times are ahead!! Bedrest WILL end, I WILL be able to be the kind of mom that I want to again, and great things are in store for this little family of mine! So if you are at all interested, join me for a little scrapbook stroll down memory lane! :)
I love this page because when Kendall was little she was the BEST eater! I mean seriously, that girl would eat anything you put in front of her, obviously including pumpkin pie :)
This was Skylar's spring dance recital last year. I LOVED watching her perform...she loves the stage and comes to life up there.

This one pretty much speaks for itself...he is all boy and LOVES making messes.

This page was a fun one because of all the things it reminded me of that you CAN'T see. Skylar was crying for ever because I had to do her hair and Kendall is not wearing a skirt because she had peed her pants an hour before church and we were desperately trying to get it washed and dried before church :)
The love of my life...what more can I say??
This is Skylar's preschool picture, I couldn't believe how grown up she looked.
This was the beginning of a wonderful tradition for the Johnson Family girls. Every year we all go to Gardner Village for Witches Night and our Annual Witchie Awards!!
We have spent countless hours at the aquarium over the years, and this time we were lucky enough to go with our good friends, the Hanson's.
MY boy :) He has been such a joy to me since his birth. He has me completely wrapped around his little finger.
I LOVED throwing this murder mystery party with great friends from our old neighborhood. We had a ball and every person that came was a great sport and made the night wonderful.
Our most recent family picture. I love the outfits my friend helped me pick out, I loved the location my friend picked out, and I LOVED the pictures that she took! :) Oh yeah, and she did a kick-butt job on my makeup too!
I really loved seeing this page because it reminded me how worth it this whole yucky bedrest thing is. I was on bedrest for almost 5 weeks with Britton, but it was SO worth it to be able to take my big, healthy, ALMOST full-term baby home with me. Hopefully Avrie will do the same thing :)

I just picked this one because I really love that smile on Kendall's face :) We had a great time that summer with our Lagoon season passes.
If you made it this far...congratulations!! This post was really for me. Life is so good, and there is so much more to come. My limitations are a struggle for me, but they are a blessing as well. It motivates me to do more and be better when I can and not take for granted the simple things like taking care of my children and keeping up my home. Here's to making lots more memories!! :)