A few week ago I noticed a contest Gardner Village was having on their Facebook page. First you must understand my obsession with Gardner Village....what can I say, I'm obsessed!! I love going there, and there is no time I love it more than at Halloween time. If you don't believe me see the posts here and here :)
This contest they were having was for 4 tickets to their annual Breakfast with a Witch! I have thought the last several years that this would be fun for our family, but I have never been able to part with $40 for a breakfast buffet :) However, all you had to do for this contest was to share your favorite Halloween memory for your chance to win. As everyone always says, I never win anything, but I thought I would give it a try. I have lots of good halloween memories, my mom was always great at making everything special and fun, but one always stuck out to me....
When we were younger we were poor....I mean, really poor. Like living in a garage, surviving on food stamps, single mom working and going to school full time POOR. The great thing was though, I never felt poor at the holidays. My mom would tirelessly work to make holidays special and memorable for us, without spending lots of money. One year she came up with the best costume idea I have seen yet....she had my little brother be the Little Ceasar's Pizza Guy!! I mean toga, grecian headpiece, and two pizzas on a stick and everything!! It was SO clever, and trust me we got lots of attention everywhere we went (which I loved, because it really translated into more candy ;)
As I told my mom about the contest she reminded me about little details I had forgotten, how she had used frozen pizzas during the day for the school parade. They got pretty soggy, so for trick-or-treating she tried cooking them instead...I am not sure that result was much better ;) But the best thing about this all is what a great reminder it was to me about the importance I feel in making things special for my kids. Even though at the time it feels like so much work, they really will remember all the love and energy that went into all the silly little things we do...even if it doesn't go the way we planned.
I love my mom and the example she has set for me in so many ways. As I sat with my daughters while we dined with the witches I was SO grateful for the loving way I was raised, that helped prepare me to create such special memories with these children of my own. And yes...now I am feeling a little bit of pressure to get more creative with the kids Halloween costumes! :)