I cannot believe how behind I am! I guess having a new baby will do that to you, but I wanted to make sure I still blogged some fun things that have gone on in the last two months.
Our little girl turned 4 years old on May 16th. The last 4 years have absolutely flown by, and have been the happiest, hardest, most exciting 4 years of my life. Skylar is so amazing. She can always bring a smile to my face, she reminds me to enjoy the little things, she makes me excited for each day because I never know what to expect with her! She IS the drama queen, but she also has a heart of gold, and already fosters a deep love and respect for her Heavenly Father and Jesus. Being a big sister has brought out the best in her, and she says she still wants one more brother and one more sister. Sounds good to me!! :)
Since her birthday was just a few weeks after we had Britton we went really simple this year and just did cupcakes in our backyard with close friends and family. Thank you to everyone that came, it really meant a lot to us and Skylar. She said, "Wow mom, are all these people here because they love me?" How can you NOT love a little girl like that?

Such a cutie!
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