Today I wanted to share with you a great Easter tradition that teaches our children a little bit about the TRUE meaning of Easter.
I have had this awesome recipe in my files for years, but could not find where I first discovered it. I sure know I didn't come up with thank you to whoever had this amazing idea! :)
We used this as our family home evening last night, but it would be great to do any time between now and Easter Sunday.
Here is how you and your family can make your very own Resurrection Rolls! :)

All you need is a can of crescent rolls, marshmallows, melted butter and some cinnamon sugar.
First off, I started by explaining that during the time that Jesus lived, when a person died, their bodies were buried in tombs. Then I explained that the body was wrapped in cloth before it was placed in the tomb. Our crescent rolls represented that cloth.

Once everyone had their triangle "cloth" ready to go, I handed out the marshmallows. These represent the body of Jesus. I explained how they would cover the body in oil before they wrapped it.

Then we talked about how the body was annointed with spices.

Finally we discussed how they wrapped Jesus' body in a cloth.

After your rolls are sealed TIGHT (don't leave any spots open!) place them in the oven to bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees.
While they were baking we talked about the miracle that happened 3 days later. We talked about Mary visiting the empty tomb, and being visited by an angel.
Finally, when the rolls had cooled we let each child cut open their roll...

As you probably guessed, the marshmallows melt and the crescent roll is empty inside.
This was such a great visual to help the kids understand! You could just see in their eyes...they got it!
As my husband bore testimony of the Resurrection...I got it too :) I was once again amazed by the miracle of Easter. Can you imagine Mary's despair when she visited the tomb...and it was empty? Just as she must have deeply sorrowed, can you imagine her joy when she was re-united with the Savior?
Skylar said "I wish I could see Jesus too..."
That is the beauty of Easter. We CAN see our Savior again. Because of the ultimate sacrifice he paid for us, we can one day return to His presence, reunited with all of our loved ones and our Heavenly Father.

I know there truly could be NO greater gift!
Thank you so much for visiting today. I hope this gave you a simple way you can help your children undertand the real meaning of Easter :) Have a fantastic day everyone!!