This pic totally cracks me up. Paul had ALL 3 kids hanging on him as they went around and around the lazy river. My favorite thing about it? My kids are all singing at the top of their lungs "Rolling down the bayou....rolling down the bayou!!" You know...from Princess and the Frog? We started singing that once when we went around, and now they call it the Bayou everytime.
Saturday at the pool
This pic totally cracks me up. Paul had ALL 3 kids hanging on him as they went around and around the lazy river. My favorite thing about it? My kids are all singing at the top of their lungs "Rolling down the bayou....rolling down the bayou!!" You know...from Princess and the Frog? We started singing that once when we went around, and now they call it the Bayou everytime.
Fit Friday...Get your kids movin!

There are a lot of frightening statistics regarding obesity and children in the United States. My hope is that some of these activities can help my children (and myself!) see how vital excercise is,how important it is to get excercise every day, and also how fun!!
I found a FANTASTIC article on the website It had some fun excercises to do that were all named after veggies or fruits. I printed out and colored pictures of the individual fruits and veggies, laminated the pictures and printed the explanation for the excercise on the back. I am hoping that we can do these fun excercises everyday, and by the end of the week when I hold up the corresponding picture the kids will know what excercise that means!
For general warm-ups, try the "Tater Tot Trot." Jog in place and pump your arms. Every ten steps or so slowly stretch your neck, look back at the right shoulder and then at the left shoulder. For "Spud Sprints" look straight ahead and speed up to a running pace. It is important that students land on their heels and not on their toes. If fairly large plot of ground is available, try trotting on a running trail inside or outside. The "Trot" works the posterior deltoid, hamstrings, quadriceps, and illiposoas.
The "Strawberry Stretch" is a great exercise to stretch the back, arms, and shoulders. It teaches balance and coordination. First, cross your right foot in front of your left. Bend down, touch your right toe, count to eight, and then straighten up. Make sure your back stays straight and does not arch. Cross your left foot in front of your right and repeat the stretch. The "Strawberry Stretch" works the lattisimus dorsi, teres major, the triceps, and the biceps. It also engages all three parts of the deltoid, including the anterior, posterior, and the lateral parts of the shoulder.
"Pumpkin Peeler" works the legs, back, arms, and shoulders. It also requires balance and dexterity. To perform this exercise, stand and lock your fingers together behind your back. Bend forward at the waist and keep your legs straight. With your fingers still locked, raise your arms over your head. Hold for a count of eight. This can also be done by bending at the knees. Teach the children the importance of flexibility by stretching the calf and leg muscles. The "Pumpkin Peeler" synergistically incorporates the lattismus dorsi, teres major, and deltoids, while it gently stretches the legs.
The" Sweet Pea Ski" benefits the muscles in the legs and challenges the child’s balance. One should begin with feet together. Slowly bend at the knees while swinging both your arms to the right as if you were using two ski poles on that side. Straighten up then repeat the bend and swing to the left. The "Sweet Pea" is great for the inner thigh, the hip adductor, or the gracilis. It is good for the hip flexors, the obliques, and the pectineus. This exercise offers the added benefit of working the whole gluteus, which includes the maximums, medius, and minimus.
"Pepper Pops" are great for both the beginner and the advanced exerciser. It works the legs, chest, and back. Do jumping jacks and clap above your head. For a "Pepper Pop Plus", add a right kick and a left kick with a clap under the knee while ensuring that the back stays straight. These additional movements work the erector spinae at the lower back. The muscles of the chest, namely the serratus anterior and the pectorals major, also receive a workout.
The "Broccoli Bounce" is good for the upper and lower body. Stand with hands clasped behind your heck and your elbows drawn back. Walk in place, raising your knees, bring your left elbow down to touch it. When you lift your left knee, bring your right elbow down to touch it. The "Broccoli" is good for both the hamstrings and the quadriceps. It works the smaller muscles as well as the important part of the legs, the calves, or the gastrocneumuis, soleus, tibialis anterior and the knee.
"Cauliflower Chippers" are a great way to end an aerobic session. It works the knees and the arms. Bounce up and down with your knees without taking your feet off the floor. At the same time, stretch your arms to each side and swing them in giant circles. You may also flex and extend the important yet neglected extensors and flexors of the wrists. You can change the movement of the chippers as well as cooling down by a stretch by elongating your shoulders, back, chest, and arms. The students should be encouraged to walk slowly in order to stretch their legs properly.
How fun are those? My kids LOVE doing them and its great to get them moving (getting mine to hold still is usually more of a problem :)
I am excited to one day put together an obstacle course!! As I was doing some research on line, this is a great way to help develop preschoolers large motor skills, and sounds fun too :) I am going to have to get creative to make one in my house, but crawling under things, jumping over things, and balancing are all things I want to include :)
One of our favorite ways to excercise is to DANCE :) One fun idea I had was to scroll through the music stations we have on our satelitte, and do different kind of dances that match up with the different kind of songs (fast, slow, ballet, crazy!!) Then we can talk about which muscles we were using for each different kind of dancing.
I hope this might help give you some ideas about getting your little ones active with you. Its a great way to teach them starting young the importance of health, and it just adds up to more quality time with these precious little ones.
Thanks so much for stopping by, and have a great weekend!!
Beef Stir-fry the whole family will love!
After the steak is done you need to add all your chopped veggies and coleslaw to the skillet. I respray a little cooking spray and dump all these beauties in!
Stir fry all the veggies until they are tender and have that nice stir-fry brown color :) At the same time your noodles should be just about finished and ready to drain.
Now you can return the steak to the skillet. Add the cooked spaghetti and lite soy sauce, mix gently and heat thoroughly.
Here is the finished product...doesn't it look yummy?!
My family all gobbled it up, and I love meals that have everything in one dish: whole grains, lean meat, and lots of veggies! Hope your family enjoys this as much as mine did!! :)
Zoo Week!!
We started off by reading one of our new favorite books, "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?" This is a great book that mentions lots of different animals you will see at the zoo. Plus I just adore anything with Eric Carle, so there you have it! This was easy enough for Skylar to read and by the end of the week the kids recognized all the animals and knew what sounds they make.
What fun would Zoo Week be without a trip to the...ZOO! Our local zoo isn't the best zoo out there, but the kids love it and I love taking my kids to the same place I went when I was little :)
Just to make it a little more interesting I threw together 2 different scavenger hunts for the kids. For my son that is only 2 I made one that had pictures of animals that he could circle when we saw the animal.

For my girls that are 4 and 6 I made an alphabet scavenger hunt, where they had to find an animal that started with each letter of the alphabet. It was really fun to see them running around looking at all the signs, desperately searching for an X :) Plus it was a great chance for my oldest daughter to work on her handwriting and my 4 year old to work on letter recogition.

We only got around to doing one craft last week...but it was a good one! I have mentioned before how much I love doing anything with my kids handprints so I thought of one that would go along with our theme. I simply drew a circle on a big piece of paper, let the kids choose their color of fingerpaint, and they went at it. They dipped their hands in the paint and then did handprints all the way around the circle to create a lions mane. After it dried they drew in the lions face, I think they turned out so cute!
This was Britton's masterpiece...with a little help from mom :)
Noah's Ark Family Home Evening
I hope you all have a wonderful Monday, thanks for stopping by!!
Fit Friday...Healthy snacks for Healthy kids!!

Pioneer Week!!
For all of you locals, one thing we have done the last few years that we absolutely LOVE is to go check out all of the floats that will be in the big Days of '47 Parade this weekend. They have them stored at the Southtowne Expo Center, so July 20th and 21st you can take the kids and see them all up close. It is a free event and gets you out of the heat for a few hours too! They have facepainters, bands, balloon hat makers and more! My kids loved it last year and I am excited to take them again.

Adorable....isn't it?? :)
Finally our letter of the week is the letter P, and here are the worksheets link if you want to do the same thing at your house. Letter P
I hope you will feel free to leave any fun activities you are doing with your children, I am always looking for more ways to enjoy the little darlings :)
Fit Friday...First Edition!!
Now, I am no expert on this subject....but it is something I have a lot of experience with. At least with the attempting to GET fit part :) Having 4 babies in 6 years and being on bedrest with 3 of those pregnancies sure does a number on your body! But this is not just about getting to that precious "number"....wether it be a pants size or what you see on the scale. This is all about getting truly fit, becoming healthier and stronger in every way. There have been times in my life when I was very thin, but couldn't even jog a mile without stopping to walk. This is not all about how I look, but about gaining strength and health, and seeing what this body of mine can do! :) I am sure I am not alone on this journey, and I am hoping you will ALL feel free to add comments and advice. I heard a statistic on the radio this morning...2/3 of adults in America are overweight and the number is growing every year. Join me as I focus on one area each week to get more fit, and make one goal for myself to reach before the next Fit Friday!
Last week we got passes to our local gym...and I LOVE it!! Now, I am also a fan of working out at home, but there is just something about getting away from everything, rocking my favorite tunes, and pushing my body through a killer workout that gives me a high like nothing else. The thing about the gym though is that it can be a little overwhelming. Machines and free weights everywhere, a million different cardio options, and lets not forget the ever present meat heads and body builders making you feel slightly silly as you hunt for the 5 lb dumbells :) Today I thought I would share a great resistance training workout that is perfect for easing yourself back into weight training...or for getting started for the first time! For great results do this workout for 2 weeks, 4 times each week alternating Day 1 and Day 2. Here goes....!
Day 1
Chest Machine Chest press 3 sets 8-10 reps
Chest Machine chest fly 3 sets 8-10 reps
Triceps Arm extension machine 3 sets 8-10 reps
Triceps Dumbell skull crushers 3 sets 8-10 reps
Back Lat Pull 3 sets 8-10 reps
Back Machine row 3 sets 8-10 reps
Biceps Machine curls 3 sets 8-10 reps
Biceps Standing dumbell curls 3 sets 8-10 reps
Day 2
Quads Leg Press 3 sets 8-10 reps
Quads Leg extensions 3 sets 8-10 reps
Hamstrings Seated leg curls 3 sets 8-10 reps
Hamstrings Prone leg curls 3 set 8-10 reps
Shoulders Machine shoulder press 3 sets 8-10 reps
Shoulders Machine lateral raise 3 sets 8-10 reps
Calves Standing calf raise 3 sets 8-10 reps
Abs Bridge 3 sets 30-45 sec each
Abs Ball crunches 3 sets 12-15
Whew!! Are you still with me??:) If you have any questions on a particular excercise feel free to leave a comment and I will get back to you. This really is a great workout, and paired with healthy eating this will help you build muscle that will get that metabolism going and the calories a burning!!
My goal for this week is.....(no laughing!) to be able to jog 3 miles without stopping. I have been able to get up to 2 1/2 and by next Friday I want to be at 3. Running is SO not my thing, but in an attempt to be fit, I want to conquer it (on a very small marathons here folks!)
I hope you liked our first Fit Friday, and I hope you will join us next week as well!! Have a fantastic day everyone and thanks for stopping by!!
Lost library books no more!! (A return to Cutting the Chaos??)
Finally I cut a mini file folder that I stuck the receipts of all the books we borrowed in. That way I can check each book off the list when we go back and make sure we are not forgetting any.
Here is how the whole thing came together....I am ecstatic at how it turned out. Not only does it look cute but it is completely practical and cut a little bit of chaos in our home!
Thanks for stopping by today, hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy those "Blue Skies Ahead"!

Slow Cooker Italian Chicken
Fun on the 4th!
Of course, my camera died after those pics, but later we went to the Farm at Thanksgiving Point and all the kids went on pony rides and we did the 4th of July scavenger hunt they had going on. After that we came home, made some white-chocolate dipped strawberries with blue sprinkles and headed over to a neighborhood block party. It was such a blast, the kids had a wonderful time running around with their friends and we all enjoyed the no longer illegal fireworks :)
Sloppy Joes....Healthy Style!
See, I told you it was easy!! I found these great whole grain flatbread buns...they are only 100 calories a bun! Throw some fresh fruits and veggies on the side and you have got yourself one healthy, satisfying tasty meal :)
These recipe even passed the family test....every single person ate their entire sloppy joe, including my 2 year old! I always double this recipe so I can have leftovers for lunch for me and my husband.
Thank you so much for stopping by today, hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do!
4th of July Family Home Evening
After we spoke about America being the promised land and how blessed we are we focused on the flag and talked about some fun things we do on the 4th. Of course, Fireworks!! So this is what we did for a little craft

All you do is get some acrylic paint, water it down A LOT (I think that was my downfall, not quite enough water :) and then put some drops on a piece of paper. Then you give the kiddos straws and when the blow on the paint it makes these cute little fireworks. Pretty fun!!
And what is FHE without a fun, themed dessert?

Mine didn't look quite that professional, but you get the idea :) All I did was make a yellow cake, top it with cool whip and then use blueberries and strawberries to decorate! Since I am on a health kick right now it would also be yummy to do yogurt parfaits with layers of vanilla yogurt, blueberries and strawberries :) Happy 4th everyone, and God Bless America!!