Ever since Skylar started a playschool last year I have been trying (sometimes very unsuccessfuly!) to use the same theme we had for school that week and plan activities for us to do at home to reinforce that theme. We have taken a break for most of the summer, but we are back at it again! I have had a few people ask me what kind of things we do, so I thought I would blog about it :) I find almost all my ideas from other people and then tweek them to work for me, so maybe this will give some of you some ideas, and if not, then I will just look back on it when it is time to do all these fun things with Kendall :) Since we are learning about nutrition we started with a really fun craft. I cut lots of different fruits and vegetables in half and let them dry. Then we dipped them in paint and stamped them on a piece of paper. Skylar would tell me what they were and I would label them, then we laminated it and now use it as a placemat. After that we put lots of fresh fruit on a skewer, rolled it in yogurt, and dipped it in coconut. Yumm! Today we are learning about the different food groups using all our plastic toy food, and making a food groups mobile. Tomorrow we are focusing all day on the Hungry Little Caterpillar book, making a caterpillar and going room to room to find all the different things the caterpillar ate.
As a mom I love the spontaneous fun moments I have with my kids, but I also love to have a plan and ideas and of course a theme :) to help teach Skylar. Hopefully this wasn't too boring! :)