Kendall LOVES baby food! Seriously, she can't get enough. She is the kid screaming because I can't get the spoon in her mouth fast enough. It is so fun to see how different her and Skylar are, Skylar didn't eat this well until she was 1 1/2:) Look at the chubby little thing, don't you just want to squeeze her?
Kendall LOVES baby food! Seriously, she can't get enough. She is the kid screaming because I can't get the spoon in her mouth fast enough. It is so fun to see how different her and Skylar are, Skylar didn't eat this well until she was 1 1/2:) Look at the chubby little thing, don't you just want to squeeze her?
Body Week!!
Skylar and I had such a great week learning all about the body. She loved having me trace her on a big piece of paper, and then telling me all her different body parts and coloring herself. She has had her "Skylar" hanging up in her room for over a week now :) We also had fun learning about the five senses and faces. I think her favorite thing was the face we made out of fruit, she thought it was sooo funny that it had string cheese for hair. I am so grateful for my crazy little Skylar. Even though she can be a little intense, she is so smart, and when you really put in the time to play and teach her things she shows so much love back. All week she kept saying "thank you for playing with me mommy, I love you the most!" What a sweetheart!
Fun with the kids,
Weekly Themes
Am I ready for this?!
So all you moms out there that have a bunch of kids will probably laugh, but I don't know if I am ready for the next big change in our life....pottytraining!!! We gave it a go last week, and Skylar didn't make it on the potty once! So I thought we would take a little break. Well this week she is constantly saying she needs to go and wants to sit on the potty, so I guess we should try again. Can you tell I have a hard time with change? That or I am just lazy enough that it is easier to change a diaper than run to the potty all day. Either way, Skylar will be three in three months so I guess it is probably time. Wish me luck!!!!
I have been so terrible about keeping this up, and now I have way too much to catch up on, so I will just post some pics from our trip, and try to keep up better from now on!
We had the BEST time in California!! We were able to spend a whole week with my family and it was a blast. We went to Legoland, Sea World, Disneyland three times, and Universal Studios. It was crazy busy, but we had sooo much fun. The kids were absolute angels, especially Kendall. She would just hang out in her carseat and NEVER cried. I could not believe how amazing she was. Her favorite ride was Pirates of the Carribean, she would laugh when we would go down the little hills. Skylars favorite ride was the Buzz Lightear ride where you shoot lasers. She loved meeting all the characters and especially the princess at the dinner we went to. All the princesses would come to your table and talk to Skylar and give her big hugs. She was so excited, she could not stop smiling. Paul and I had a blast too. My awesome mom would hang out with the kids so we could run around and go on some rides, we loved Indiana Jones and Space Mountain. All in all it was a fabulous trip and again reminded me how incredibly blessed I am to have my family and how lucky we are to enjoy each other so much!!
Family fun
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