

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! My mom and my little brothers were able to come from California to spend the holiday with us. We have not been with them on Thanksgiving for 7 or 8 years, so it was great! On Friday night we went to Temple Square to see the lights turn on. It is an awesome family tradition and we had a great (although it was FREEZING!) time! I could not get over how cute my little girls looked! Then on Saturday we did some shopping at Gardner Village and just enjoyed being with family. I hope everyone else had as great a weekend as we did!


Indian and Pilgrim Week

So this week Skylar has been learning all about pilgrims and indians. We colored lots of pictures, made indian headbands and today made little pilgrim hat treats! She amazes me with how smart she is! When you ask her what the indians gave the pilgrims she says "food!" and when you ask her the name of the boat the pilgrims came to America on, she says "Mayflower!" We have had the best week!


My little singer!

So before Skylar will go down for her nap I usually have to sing her three songs, I love to see the Temple, I am a child of God and Families can be together forever. But lately she has been wanting to do the singing. I think she sounds soooo cute! And if you can't tell the song is I am a Child of God!


Five years already!?!

Yesterday we were able to bless our beautiful daughter Kendall, and it got me to thinking about how grateful I am for my wonderful husband Paul. We celebrated our fifth anniversary in the hospital, having our sweet little Kendall. With that going on the anniversary definitely got put on the back burner! It is amazing how fast time flies, I cannot even remember my life before Paul was as part of it! I think as a mom I get so wrapped up in taking care of my kids, sometimes I take for granted the wonderful husband that I have. I love you Paul!!


Hello world of Blogging!!

Well here we go!! I swore I would not start a blog, because I am on the computer enough as it is. But as I have been looking at everyone elses it is so fun to see all the big and little things going on in your lives! So we will start and see how it goes! We are just in recovery mode from Halloween. For those of you that know Skylar, the last thing she needs is sugar! She is off the wall as it is!! But we had a great time taking her out in the neighborhood and going trick-or-treating. She couldn't get enough and kept asking to go to one more house. She loved telling everyone "Happy Halloween!!" Kendall was a doll and loved being pushed around in the stroller while Skylar nabbed all the candy she could! So fun!!