Hello everyone! This week we are learning and doing fun activities all about the rain forest. We started the week off today by going to our local Aquarium and spending lots of time in the Rainforest area. My kids were enamored by the big snakes, frogs, fish and more...I think its gonna be a fun week!
One fun thing I thought of doing would be going to the grocery store and picking out some exotic rainforest fruit that we don't normally have like mango, kiwi, papaya, star fruit, etc. Then have a little fruit buffet and talking about which ones we like the most.
Another fun idea I found on Everything Preschool is to make our own rainsticks. I am simply going to use some of those saved toilet paper rolls I was telling you about, fill them with dried and beans and rice and then cover both ends. The kids will have a blast decorating them and a blast driving me crazy with them :)
One thing my kids love learning about is frogs. One day we will learn all these facts about tree frogs so I thought this next treat would be tons of fun:

Too cute, right? You can thank Familyfun.com for that one! :)
I also wanted to work with my 2 year old, so I colored a bunch of these frogs different colors and then laminated them. We are using them to learn colors and to work on counting (1 pink frog, 2 orange frogs, etc.)

On the frog theme I thought another fun snack idea would be to make dirt cups with chocolate pudding and crushed oreos. Then instead of sticking in worms we are going to stick in those yummy green gummy Haribo frogs :)
Finally I found this cute craft idea on Familyfun.com. I am using my handy Cricut to cut out a bunch of leaves and flowers, then you just get a long piece of green yarn and sandwhich it between the flowers and leaves to make some fun vines. Then I think we will hang it on the girls door so they can enjoy it for the whole week!

Sooo fun! Too funny you went to the aquarium today. My sisinlaw stole my kids to take them but the line was out the door so we are going Friday instead. When is dessert day? I'm comin! :)
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