Hellooooo!! I can't believe its been so long since I've posted anything...but life here is crazy as always.
With all of my pregnancies I always have to deal with pre-term labor, and baby #5 is making sure he's not left out of all the action ;) I had my first daughter at 32 weeks, my second at 34 weeks, and then my next son and daughter at 36 weeks...we're learning as we go! ;)
I always hope this MIGHT be the one that goes full term without any complications...but I am always quickly brought back to reality :) Saturday we spent a good part of the night in the hospital getting monitored for contractions and making sure this little boy wasn't going to be coming ANY time soon...since I am only a whopping 29 weeks.
All I can say is...I am SO grateful for good doctors that trust our intuition and good medicine that keeps me pregnant long enough to incubate these precious babes of mine! After seeing I was only dialated to a 1 1/2 and the meds were really helping to stop the contractions my doctor let me come home on just partial bed rest...HOORAY!! I mean...it still kind of stinks...but much better than the thought of FULL bed rest for the next 7 weeks, right?! Even though I pretty much lay around all day I am so grateful I can take care of the basics for my family so I don't have to send my kids off to someone else every day. I'm sure we'll have to go there before Baby Cohen arrives, but meanwhile I am going to be grateful for all of our blessings!
SO! If you made it through that LONG story, you'll see I actually had an activity to post today :)
In my daughter's class, her teacher does not assign any actual homework. She, of course, has to do her nightly reading, but then I am in charge of making sure she does two literary activities a week and two math activities as well. Sometimes it gets a little tricky to come up with things for her to do...I mean...I'm not a teacher :) But we did a really fun activity today with Conversation Hearts that I think any kids would love for Valentines Day!
This was wonderful because it was SO simple, but a fun break from just writing a normal story.
I just had Skylar grab a pen, piece of paper and a glue stick. Then I came through with the most important part....
Once she had her Conversation Hearts out and ready to go, she was really able to get creative and write letters to friends and family USING the Conversation Hearts! She had so much fun choosing which ones she wanted to use, and then writing the sentences around them to make them work. Some were easy to use, like I Miss You...others like Puppy Love were a little more difficult ;)
It was so fun to see and read what she came up with, and homework time flew by today!
So if you have any spare chalky candies laying around, try this out with your kids! It would be such a cute way to write a letter to their dad, or friends, or grandparents for Valentines Day too! :)
Thanks so much for stopping by Blue Skies Ahead today!

A fun activity, Tonii! Take it light and easy. Hopefully the next 7 weeks will fly by!
Such a great activity! Man, I wish my son had your daughter's teacher. We get assigned so much homework!
So glad everything turned out ok last Saturday night! Sending prayers and vibes that Baby Cohen doesn't make his entrance too early. Spend all the time you want laying around these next couple weeks!! :)
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