This was a really fun family home evening that I threw together last year that the kids really enjoyed. One great thing about having so many young kids is you really can reuse some of these fhe's...especially the holiday ones! :) Next week we are learning about St Patricks day and Rainbows and I was happy to come up with something that would go along with our theme.
We are going to start by talking about leprachauns and how they are always looking for the end of the rainbow so they can get to the pot of gold. We are going to talk about how beautiful rainbows are, and what they represent for our family.
Red= Love
Orange= Service
Yellow= Happiness
Green= Knowledge
Blue= Faith
Purple= Honesty
On the floor we will have tons of squares of papers in all the different colors of the rainbow. One at a time, starting with red, I will ask the kids to pick up all the papers of that color. Then they will tape them all up on the wall and we will talk about what that color represents. For instance, Red=Love, Jesus taught us that we should love one another. We need to love everyone, even if people are mean to us. We will do this for each of the colors. This works out really great because it allows the kids to get up, run around and get out their wiggles inbetween our discussion of each color. By the end we will have a "rainbow" of squares leading around the corner. Around the corner I will have a pot of Gold (Rolos:). Of course, this represents what we will find if we do all the things represented in our "rainbow", eternal life and being with our family forever!
I am excited for this lesson for several reasons. I love a good visual, and I hope we can make the rainbow a reminder for our family of all the things we need to do to live with our Heavenly Father again. Last year for weeks after anytime we saw a rainbow we would talk about the different colors and what they represented. Skylar remembered all the colors then so I am excited to do it again this year and see how much more she and Kendall can understand! :) Here are some pics from last year...you can see how much fun it was :)

I'm stockpiling all of your awesome ideas so that maybe someday I can be even a FRACTION of the awesome mom you are.
Seriously, Tonii. You amaze me.
Miss you!
Sunday night family home evening prep! I come to your blog first, so I love it when you have a great idea for me to use! Thanks a bunch!
Thanks for sharing this idea! I love the idea of using a rainbow and the pot of gold. I am sure my 7 year old will love this, and my 2 year old is learning his colors and is active as well, so this activity will be perfect for our family!
I am going to print out letters to glue on the backs of the colored paper that spells out each word associated with it, so my daughter can unscramble the words.
Thank You!
Andrea :)
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