Before we get to all of our Fall Fun, I need to announce the winner of our Styling Cents Ebook Giveaway! Thank you so much to everyone that entered...and Rach is our grand prize winner! Look for an email coming your way to hash out all the details ;)
Today we wanted to share 11 of our favorite fall activities, snacks and crafts. This is our favorite time of year here at Blue Skies Ahead and we hope some of these ideas can help you enjoy it to the fullest!
Make some delicious Apple Cider Floats with your family...the perfect treat after an evening of pumpkin picking :)
Looking for a simple, fun festive gift to give this time of year? Try these homemade Candy Corn Bath Salts!
And if you still want a little more candy corn, check out these Candy Corn Cupcakes in a Jar.
Maybe you are looking for a little bit of a healthier treat? These Orange Pumpkin Treats are perfect for parties or just an afterschool snack.
Maybe you need some fun new Fall decorations? These Washi Tape Pumpkins may be just the thing for you!
My kids and I LOVE making homemeade playdough, and this Pumpkin Playdough is perfect for October!
My kids beg to make caramel apples every year...switch it up by making a Frankenstein Caramel Apple your kids will get a kick out of!
If you still need more Fall food inspiration, make sure you try these Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls with Caramel Frosting, they really are amazing.
Do you have a free afternoon with your kids? If so, read them this darling book and make your very won batch of Homemade Pumpkin Soup with all your little helpers :)
Your kids will love burning some down-time making these Pumpkin Bracelets, and all you need to provide are some pipe cleaners and pony beads.
Finally, these Wax Paper Leaves are not only a great activity, but they make beautiful decorations to hang up in your windows too!

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