
General Conference Ideas {Re-cap!}

Hello friends!!  I can't believe its already time for General Conference!  This year I haven't been able to do my prep as early as I usually do...I blame it all on this little face ;)

SO worth it!!

However, I did want to share some of the fun things we have done in years past if you are new to Blue Skies Ahead.  Conference weekend is something we look forward to all year long.  I love spending the weekend with my family and listening to the words of our modern day prophets.  I also love finding different ways to get my kids excited for conference....

THIS is a fun treat to leave out for your kids a few days before conference...also great for YW"s or primary classes too!

A fun spin on Conference Baskets...Don't let one minute of Conference go to WASTE!

A fun idea for post-Conference FHE...General Conference UN-Wrap Up!

Finally, one of our favorite family traditios...Conference Socks!!

I got some great ideas from different family members for things to do this year...hopefully I will have to time to share them with you all tomorrow!  Thanks so much for stopping by Blue Skies Ahead!!