
Baked Rocks Crayon Craft

Hello everyone!  How are you all doing??

Things here have been great...just busy, busy getting acclimated to 5 kids :)  The little guy so far has been an absolute angel and the others are as crazy and fun as usual...but that is nothing new ;)  I am feeling SO good, just grateful to have my little man here safe and sound.  I am planning on getting back on a good schedule next week including a Weekly Theme for the kids and a new FHE, but in the meantime this is a really fun project we did at our house yesterday that ALL the kids loved.

Baked Rocks Crayon Craft!

This is a great craft if you just want to do something last minute with things you always have on hand. Hopefully you are like me and grow rocks in your backyard ;)

Make sure when you are choosing your rocks, you find the smoothest rocks possible.  We didn't have success with half of our rocks because they were too rough.

Once you have your rocks, bake them in the oven at 300 degrees for 15 minutes.  While your rocks are baking find those old, broken crayons and have your kids help you peel them.

When the rocks are done use a heating pad to place one on each paper plate and let your kids go to town coloring them with your peeled crayons.  The hot rock will melt the wax and your kids will love "painting" their rocks with crayons!

Our favorite technique was to use two different colors and then swirl them together, making these cool  colored rocks!!

This was a great way to enjoy time together while the little one was napping and it we had some freezing rain outside :)

I would love to know...what is your favorite go-to craft with your kids when you need something last minute?!  


  1. Cute idea. I found you on Mingle With Us Blog Hop on I heart crafty things blog. I would for you to come by and check out my blog http://bit.ly/17nkR3P

  2. That is such a good idea for a kid's activity (and inexpensive too!)
