
Smiling This Sunday!

 We made it to 35 weeks people!!!  If that's not enough reason to smile, I don't know WHAT is!

What that means is I am officially off bed rest, and can be mommy again to my crazy brood.  I have also entered the phase where I have to get up and get ready every day...because every day could be BABY DAY and seriously, I have 4 pregnancies worth of terrible delivery pictures!  Maybe I'll get lucky and actually have run a brush through my hair the day we have Cohen ;)

Every night this last week this is what I saw before I went to bed :)  My husband has been in Europe for over a week....yeah, not great timing!  Luckily, I have amazing family to help me with the little ones but my big girls stayed home with me.  I HATE when Paul is gone and can never sleep good so I bribed the girls to sleep on the floor in my room all week.  They looked so sweet and innocent snuggled up together...love these girls!!

Finally these two little sweeties!  Like I said, I have an amazing family!  Between my MIL and SIL, they have had my youngest two for 9 days...I cannot believe how much I miss them.  Since Paul flies in from Portugal tonight they finally get to come HOME :)

I am definitely smiling this Sunday!

Things may be a little sporadic around here for the next little bit, but I'm hoping to get another week or two before the little man arrives, and if so I have some fun Easter and General Conference ideas I would love to share.

So I ask you...what things are YOU smiling about in your life today???


  1. Yay for being off bedrest! You look great! Be wishes for a smooth delivery, my dear!

  2. All the very best for the arrival of your new bub!! Currently 27 weeks pregnant, I (unfortunately) have a little longer until our little man arrives..

  3. Congrats on 35 weeks and for no more bed rest!!! You look beautiful@ I had to laugh because knowing my luck I would go into labor on the one day I didn't get myself presentable!
