
Smiling this Sunday!

 Welcome to another Smiling this Sunday post!!

Today's post is one FULL of gratitude.  You see, I've been in the hospital for the last couple of days trying to stop baby Cohen from coming.  Since I'm only 32 weeks we need to get at least 3 more.  The first night wasn't looking too good, and since he is breach we were preparing ourselves for a possible emergency c-section.  Thank goodness we were able to get things somewhat under control, and I may even be able to go home tomorrow!!  In the meantime, these are just a few things today that are making me smile!!

My huge mug next to my bed :). This makes me smile for two reasons.  First of all my sweet nurses keep it filled with pebble ice for me...yum yum!  Second, it means we have slowed the contractions enough that I mo longer need my IV!  Wahoo!!

 I love this bracelet.  Anytime they give me medication they scan this thing...and I am SO incredibly grateful for that medication!!  It really is amazing...pills, that stop your contractions, IVs that keep your baby safe from infection, and steroid shots that help strengthen their lungs!  I am SO blessed to have children in this day and age!

How cute are these little visitors?!  One look at them reminds me why I keep doing this ;)

Finally this guy!!  I cannot tell you how many hours we have spent in the hospital through our five pregnancies.  Paul is always there for me, and if he's not here, he's holding down the fort at home.  This morning when I called him he was in the middle of bathing and dressing all 4 kids for church...amazing!!  I don't think I would try that on my own! ;)

So you can see...today I have so many reasons to smile!  We have done everything we can do to get Cohen here safely, now the rest is in heavenly fathers hands.  There is a lot of peace in that, when I can get myself to relax and just TRUST.  I hope you have a lot to smile about this Sunday too!!


  1. Oh Tonii, you have such a positive attitude! I'm sending prayers your way that baby Cohen stays inside you a couple more weeks!! And as a side note, LOVE the new blog look! :)

  2. Oh you're just amazing!! I feel like I was reading my own blog when I read this post I had an emergency c-section at 32 weeks with my little Carter last summer. And he was breech too! My little guy was born at McKay-Dee. Judging by your mug, you are somewhere similar! I hope things continue to go well and little Cohen can stay put a little longer!

  3. Oh Tonii so glad to hear things have calmed down and that little Cohen is staying put for now! Prayers that he will hold out a few more weeks! You are so amazing!

  4. Oh no, I wondered if that's where you had been! So glad it's under control and I hope you can keep him in there a little longer! Good luck! Love that hospital! We just moved away from Saratoga and now I'm so sad I don't get to deliver my next baby there!

  5. Oh no!!! I hope you and the baby are on the mend! Prayers being sent your way! xoxo

  6. LOVE your attitude! Hang in there...one day at a time!

  7. I am glad things are under control now. Best of luck to you!

    I was just at that same hospital giving birth to my two girls...those nurses are awesome! They even kept me stocked up with some yummy cookies :)
