
Leapfrog MyRobot Friend App {Review}

 If you been checking out what we do here at Blue Skies Ahead for any time at all, you know how I feel about FUN, educational activities for my kids!  We are always trying to think up ways to make learning more exciting and keep the kiddies motivated and engaged.

 Even with all the creative things we try to do here at home, like almost every other kid I know, my daughter is always begging to play on my iPhone.  When I finally do cave and hand it over, I know that I want her to be playing something that is educational, keeps her interest...and fun too!  I was really excited to introduce her to a new app from Leapfrog, MyRobot Friend.

Here's the beauty of MyRobot Friend...it is helping my little one with her math, AND keeping her excited and motivated at the same time!  I don't know about your kids, but at our house we are big readers.  I love reading to my kids and having them read to me, but it wasn't until the last few months I realized we needed to be putting a little more energy into working on math skills with my littles.

I was anxious to hand the phone over to my girlie and see what she thought of it.  The first thing that impressed me was how user-friendly it is.  Without ANY help from me, she set up her profile and started playing right away.  When I peeked in to check on her I was thrilled with what I saw.  Not only do the first few levels focus on math and counting, but they also deal with directions like North and South.  It was really great practice for a concept my 2nd grader is currently working on becoming more familiar with.  

One of the most FUN things about this app is the way you can customize your very own Robot Friend :)  My kids love when you can pick out the outfit and add accessories.  It's also very motivating, because the more levels pass the more coins you receive to go towards buying more things for your robot.  It's a great way to teach your kids about saving, money and priorities.

Overall, I have been really thrilled with the Leapfrog MyRobot Friend app.  I figured the true test would be once the newness wore off...would she still want to play a math game?!  Happily, it has been over 2 weeks since we got MyRobot Friend and it still the first things she asks to play.

So now you know what I think...why don't you check it out yourself?!  

Check out the Leapfrog MyRobot Friend download page HERE, and let me know how you like it!

I was selected for this opportunity by Clever Girls Collective but content and opinions expressed here are all my own. To learn more about the app, visit here #CleverRobotFriend #spon


  1. I have a question for you... I went to download this for my almost 7 year old and noticed that it said there was some mild violence so it was rated for children 9+. Now I'm trying to decide if I want to purchase it or not. Did you see violence in it?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. JDaniel loves robots! I bet he would love this app.
