
Last Minute Valentines Headband

Well, there's nothing like some last minute crafting before the big holiday, right?!

As I was thinking about our plans for tomorrow I knew I wanted to throw together some simple headbands for my girls to go with their cute little Valentine outfits.  I love having girls and how excited they get about little things like that :)

Luckily I had all the supplies already in my craft stash, and in less then 10 minutes I was able to throw together some simple, CUTE last minute Valentines Headbands.

All I needed for this cute headband was a dollar store headband, ( I have tons on hand always), 2 sweet tulle flowers I ordered recently from Pick Your Plum, a zebra print yo-yo flower I whipped up in minutes, and some E6000...best glue EVER :)

Once I had my flowers ready to go I....glued them on the headband.

That's it :)  Turned out pretty cute though!!

I love how simple this is, but how fun and festive it will be for tomorrow as well.  I love making things for my girls that will get a lot of use, and I know this 5 minute headband will definitely do that!

Are you all ready for tomorrow??  I have a few things my husband has to pick up at the store for me tonight, but I am pretty much ready to enjoy the day of LOVE with all the people in my life I love the most :)  Thanks so much for stopping by today!

Linking up HERE :)


  1. Such a cute headband! Coming your way from the blog hop and happy to be a new follower via GFC! Love the bright colors and the zebra print especially!

  2. This is so cute - definitely doesn't look like a last-minute project! I'd be thrilled if you'd link up at this week's Off the Hook!
