
Conversation Heart Hair Clips

Hey everyone!!  I just wanted to pop in with a super quick and fun project your little girls will love this Valentines Day!

If you were around last year you may have seen our Conversation Heart Earrings, or our Conversation Heart Rings.  My girls LOVED wearing these fun and trendy pieces and I wanted to throw something similar together this year that they would love just as much.

Here is what we came up with!


These took about 15 minutes to make and my little ones are crazy about them.  All you need are some bobby pins, nail polish, and Conversation Hearts.

I quickly painted my bobby pins with different colors of nail polish and let them dry.  I am going to do this with ALL our bobby pins from now on...they look totally cute just like this! ;)

Once they were all dry I simply hot-glued some Conversation Hearts on each bobby pin and our clips were ready to go!

I told you they were easy ;)

Thanks so much for stopping by today!!

Linking up HERE!


  1. As soon as I looked at your first picture I was thinking where did she find those cute, colore bobby pins. I love the idea of painting them with nail polish! Super cute Vday project!
