

 Hello everyone!

Ocean Week rolls on at our house this week with another fun snack.  I promise...I will have an activity or two...but the snacks are just so fun! ;)

I found the inspiration for these yummies again at Preschool Express...make sure you check it out!  These are perfect for a hot summer day.  I give you...


These are about as simple as it gets.  Fill some small paper cups with juice until 3/4 of the way full.  Then place 8 gummy worms in each cup so half  of each worm is hanging out over the side.  Then I covered each cup in tin foil and stuck in a popsicle stick ALMOST to the bottom.

The hardest part of this treat is making your kids wait while they freeze! :)

Once they were frozen, my kids absolutely loved them!

Hope you enjoyed our Octo-Pops today...let me know if you try these out!  Thanks so much for stopping by and check back later for Field Trip Thursday and a fun jellyfish craft too :)

Linking up HERE :)


  1. So cute! My little girl would flip over these!

  2. Oh these do look yummy! I'm going to save this idea for sure. I wonder if you could find a way to get some fruit to stick to the side of the cup wall to make a face in the pop. Hmm. Might be a fun experiment :)

  3. Very cool idea!! Stopping by from the Mingle With Us blog hop and am now your newest follower:) Hope you can come check out Crazy Mama Drama !

  4. These are simply adorable! You are one creative mom!

  5. Stopped by from the Mingle With Us blog hop.
    I am going to make these Octo-Pops with my boys - they will love them!
    I'm your newest follower - please stop by for a visit and follow back if you wish :)

  6. Fun indeed! You are so creative with activities and food!

  7. Toni! These are adorable. My kids would LOVE :) Thanks for stopping by today!

