
Bird Feed Snacks and Feather Fruit Cups {Bird Week}

 Happy Friday everyone!  I don't know about where you are, but here it is RAINY!  Since my kids all have major spring fever and its too wet to play outside, I figured a fun, bright movie would be the perfect way to end our week all about birds.  Of course, that meant we are watching Rio, and I took a few minutes to throw together a fun snack they can munch on while we all snuggle up on the couch and watch the movie together.

First up we used our leftover feathers and googly eyes from our Paper Bag Bird Craft to make these Feather Fruit Cups!

We just glued feathers, googly eyes, and paper beaks to these plastic cups and filled them with mandarin oranges.  You really could use any kind of fruit you want, for lots of different, fun-colored birds!

We also threw together these fun Bird Feed Snacks...simply put popcorn, almonds, M&M's, and of course gummy worms in some cute snack bags and you are good to go!

Thanks for stopping by today and I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. These are such sweet goodies! Bookmarked for sure. If you ever have an issue with real birdies flocking to your residence, check out bird removal new jersey
