
Building Your Faith Family Home Evening {Alma and Amulek}

Well, here we are, sharing another Family Home Evening idea with you :)
This week we were back at our Book of Mormon lessons, focusing on the story of Alma and Amulek and how they used and built their faith to sustain them through their trials and hardships.
I made a printable to put up in our home with one of my all-time favorite sayings...
We spoke about how important it is to be true to yourself and the things you believe in, even when you have hard or scary times in your life.  I told the kids we were going to learn about 2 men who used their faith to stand up for what they believed in, even when it would have been so much easier to turn their backs on that faith.
For the bulk of our lesson we just read Alma's Mission to Ammonihah from the Book of Mormon Stories.  Then we spoke about how Alma and Amulek relied on their faith multiple times: going back to teach the people and meeting Amulek, contending with Zeezrom, watching the women and children be burned because of their belief, and finally the walls of the prison falling down and being freed.
After our lesson we did an awesome activity that the kids really enjoyed and my husband and I got a kick out of too ;)  We played Build Your Faith Jenga!
This was a great game to play because it obviously kept the kids attention, but it was so wonderful to hear some experiences from my kids, times they have felt their faith grow, or ways they want to gain more faith.  It is also always a bonus to review the lesson to make sure something actually sank in ;) 
After we went several times around the table and each child picked a few blocks and shared different experiences our tower came tumbling down.  We were able then to relate our game to how the walls of the prison came crashing down as Alma and Amulek exercised THEIR faith.  An awesome visual for the kids, and an activity they begged to do again and again :)
Thanks so much for checking our fhe out, hope you guys all have a great week!

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