
Smiling This Sunday!!

Hmm....let's see.  What in the world would I have to smile about today? ;)

Our precious Cohen Paul made his grand entrance into the world on Wednesday, March 27th at 9:41 p.m.!  He was born at 35 weeks 3 days, weighing 6 lbs 2 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long.  Absolutely perfect in every way.  The delivery went so smoothly, once I was fully dilated I pushed through a few contractions and our little caboose was here :)

Because he was so early, he had to spend 6 hours in the NICU to make sure he could breathe on his own, take a bottle, and keep his body temps up.  He was a champ, and after a few minutes struggling with that whole breathing thing he figured it all out, and came back to my room around 3:00 that morning.

Yep, that's me at 3:00 in the morning snuggling my little man.  What a miracle he is to me!

We were so blessed to BOTH be able to go home 2 days later...doesn't he look so teeny in that big car seat?!  I am so incredibly blessed with healthy preemie babies that beat all the odds!

We've been home for 2 days and it has been fantastic!!  Everyone is absolutely smitten with out little man, and last night he even let me get 4 hours of sleep at a time ;)  I feel wonderful and am so excited to have my whole family together and be able to be mommy again.  Don't get me wrong...its totally crazy here, but I love it.  We took ALL the kids to an Easter Egg hunt yesterday and it was crazy to be a family of 7 ;)

This Easter Sunday my heart is so full.  As I look around at my not-so-little-family, I love them so much sometimes it takes my breath away.  Then I think of the love my Heavenly Father feels for all of US...so much so that he gave us a Savior, His beloved Son, Jesus Christ.  Because of that one incredible act of love, I can be with these people that I love so much forever.  So much to smile about today indeed :)

This Easter Sunday I hope you are feeling all the love and peace our Savior offers to us!


  1. oh he's so gorgeous!!

    Everyone one in blogland seems to be having babies recently!! making me want another,

    Natasha @ Serenity You

  2. He really is just beautiful, congratulations to you. x

  3. He is so gorgeous, and so tiny!!! Big congratulations. Cant wait to see some more baby posts and pics of him, and hope for some great tips too - Im currently 28 weeks, so I've got my own little countdown going for the arrival of our little man!

  4. He is adorable. Congratulations! Glad he is here safe and sound.

  5. Congratulations Tonii, you have a beautiful family!

  6. Awwww, he is adorable Tonii! Congratulations!! I am so happy that everything went great and that you and baby Cohen are home and well. :)

  7. Congrats! What a sweetie. Glad everything went so great!

  8. Ahh Tonii! This post made me cry. Can I still blame that on having a baby even though it was 8 weeks ago? haha
    You are such a beautiful person inside and out, and I am blessed to call you friend.
    And I am blessed that I got to spend so much time with you and watch that precious boy enter this world! I will never forget it.
    Love you!

  9. Such wonderful news Tonii! Many congratulations to you and your family!! He is absolutely beautiful. May you cherish this special time.
