
A new look...

 Do you ever get that urge to just do something drastic to change up your look?  

I do...ALL the time!  Usually I just switch up my hair or try and find a cute new something to add to my closet.  

However, right now...I am pregnant and HUGE.  I am definitely not in the mood to even try on any item of clothing...so I'm certainly not buying any thing!  I just got my hair done by my FAVORITE hair stylist (doesn't hurt she's my sister in law and one of my best friends ;) and I am completely in love with it. 

BUT...I still needed a change :)  So I decided maybe my blog could be the one to get the updated look this time!  My turn will come after I shed these wonderfully-worth-it baby pounds! ;)

I am loving the new crisp, clean look we have going on at Blue Skies Ahead!  What do you think??  And if you look at the color scheme you can even tell how I'm decorating my new little guys nursery too ;)

Also, feel free to check out my About Me page!  I spent some time updating it, hoping you could get to know me a little bit better, and the reason why I started doing this whole crazy blog thing in the first place ;)

Thanks so much to Cindy from Blessed Design Studio for working with me to create my lovely new corner of the blogging world ;)  She was an absolute delight to work with and incredibly talented to boot!

Am I the only one craving a new look?!  Maybe its that springtime is in the air...but I would love to know:  What do YOU do when you need a change?  New hair color, updated throw pillows, or some new spring-colored skinny jeans?  Hmmm...those all sound kind of nice actually ;)