
"The Lorax" Munchie Mix!

Hey everybody!  I am so excited to share this fun, simple treat you can whip up for the kids to munch on while reading The Lorax...or watching the movie! :)

I found a cute idea HERE on Pinterest and decided to add a few things to make our very own Lorax Munchie Mix!!

All you need to make your own yummy treat are chocolate Teddy Grahams, Mini-Marshmallows, Goldfish crackers, Cadbury mini eggs, and Pretzel Sticks.

Doesn't that look yummy?!

Each snack represents something from the movie...I laid it out for you ;)

The kids were ecstatic when I told them we had a fun snack to munch on while we watched our movie!  And really...isn't everything cuter in individual servings?  Especially in these CUTE chevron snack bags from Pick Your Plum :)

The kids gobbled this snack right up!  The cutest things was watching them eat it.  They would wait until they saw a Bar-ba-loot...then they would eat a Teddy Graham :)  As soon as they chopped down the first Truffula Tree...they ate a pretzel stick.  It made for a very fun and tasty movie ;) 

I was so happy to add a little extra fun to my kids day...they needed it!  They have been such troopers while I have been taking it easy to keep this baby baking :)  It was a good reminder that sometimes the simple things can mean just as much as my over-planned activities ;)

Thank you SO much for stopping by today!  Are any of you doing any Dr. Seuss activities this week?  If so...please share!!  Have a great day!

Linking up HERE :)


  1. A lovely LORAX- themed snack. I love that you found ways to include the Bar-ba-loots, Humming Fish, and Swomee Swans!

    I would love if you would share this post on my COUNTDOWN TO DR. SEUSS's BIRTHDAY linky:


    I hope you stop by. I am pinning this post too!!

  2. I love this mix! SO freaking adorable. Pinned!

  3. This mix looks delicous! I just had dinner but man you're making me hungry again.....or maybe that's this baby doing this! I adore the little chevron treat bags too.

  4. That's too funny! Love Seuss week ;)

    <3 Christina @ I Gotta Create!
    Wildly Original link party is open.

  5. It really does look delicious! I am going to share this post on Facebook and Pinterest. I love the bags you served the snack in.

  6. Featuring you today in my Dr. Seuss round up! :)

    Ginger @ GingerSnapCrafts.com

