
Smiling This Sunday!

 Happy Sunday to everyone!!

As I'm trying to take it easy, I think these Smiling This Sunday posts are even more important for me :)  I HATE not being able to do all the things I want/need to do for my family.  I know in the big scheme of things its such a short amount of time, and I need to keep perspective...anything is worth it to get baby Cohen here safely and healthy.

First thing making me smile this week?  These two little monsters!

I absolutely love this picture.  You can tell Britton is totally humoring Avrie and she is having the time of her life.  I have been amazed at how my little kids have stepped up to take care of each other.  Don't get me wrong...they fight ALL the time, but these sweet moments assure me they actually love each other ;)

We have a very fun tradition in our family called The Valentine's Man.  Every year on Valentines the Valentines Man comes to our house and leaves little gifts on the doorstep for the kids.  It is so fun, because you never know how many times he is going to come or when he is going to come.  All of the sudden, a loud KNOCK will sound at the door, and everyone goes running!! :)  It is my favorite tradition from growing up and I love passing it on to my kids.  This year the kiddos all got new pj's...Angry Birds all around! :)

Like I mentioned....I have been SO impressed at how my family is stepping it up around here :)  In some ways this time is a blessing, I am seeing things I didn't think my kids were capable of and I will definitely be allowing them more responsibility.  I wish I had a picture of the person that is keeping us all together right now...my husband!  He is amazing.  I know I am so lucky to have him.

The last thing making me smile today....

I'm finally getting ready to do Cohen's nursery!!  It took me forever to decide what I wanted but eventually I found this awesome airplane bedding on Etsy, hopefully it will be here by the end of the month.  Aren't those little airplanes just the cutest???

I also ordered these perfect airplane decals from my favorite vinyl shop Janey-Mac.  I am so excited for everything to come so we can get it all put together and ready for our new little man!

There you have it...just a few things keeping me smiling this week?

Now its YOUR turn!  What is just ONE thing that is making you smile today...I would LOVE to hear!!


  1. One thing making me smile-- a mom/son lunch date that happened yesterday. Time with my kids one-on-one is really special! Take care!

  2. The one thinking makaing me smile is that I am just now starting to feel Baby B flutter about!

    ADORE the bedding colors you went with and your kiddos are so darling. Also, I am curious who plays Valentine Man???

  3. I love the Valentines Man tradition, LOL!!

    Just dropping in from Live Laugh Rowe to meet you and follow you:)

    I would also love to invite you to join Let's Get Social Sunday and link up your blog and all your social sites at one great place to meet some lovely new friends and gain more followers!! (150 bloggers every week:)


    Hope to see you there and have a totally awesome day!!

  4. Oh, so now I know what the Valentine man is! What a fun tradition! I love the bedding you chose. Airplanes are so sweet for little boys! And the decals look adorable! You are going to have that sweet little guy here before you know it!

    Ps--love the name Cohen. My little sis has a Cohen and he is a handsome one!

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