
Brush Your Teeth...or Else Treats!

 Just wanted to pop in real quick today with a super easy and fun treat your kids will love for Dental Health Week!

As we have been talking all about brushing our teeth I thought it would be fun to make a treat showing what it looks like when you brush your teeth...and when you don't!

Brush your teeth...or else! treats

Hahaha!!  Aren't they so cute?!  My kids thought they were so funny :)

All you need to make your very own are some mini marshmallows, slivered almonds, and an apple.

Then you just slice up your apple and cut out the center to make a mouth shape.  For the Brush your teeth treat I cut the mini marshmallows in half and used them to make sparkling, pearly whites!

For the Or Else treats I just stuck slivered almonds in.  I do these every year for Halloween, but it was fun to think of another use for these yummy, healthy snacks too :)

Nothing encourages my kids to do something like a good visual...and it was pretty obvious which smile they would rather have!

Before my kids gobbled their treats up they wanted to see how they looked... 

Cute kids!!

Make sure and stop back tomorrow for a really simple and fun science experiment...my kids can't wait for the results!

Linking up HERE


  1. This is a great idea! Tasty/healthy snacks, too... can't go wrong with that.

    I'd be thrilled if you'd link up at this week's Off the Hook!

  2. What a cute idea! I'll admit that I even find the "or else" terrifying. Makes me want to brush my teeth again this morning just for good measure!

    Fizz and Frosting
