
Being a "Bucket-Filler" FHE

Hello my LONG lost friends!!

I hope you all had a most wonderful Thanksgiving!  Between Turkey Day, a big gender reveal party for our little one, having family staying with us from California and just the day-to-day stuff we have been one crazy bunch!  This week I am trying to get back on schedule and wanted to share a really simple but effective FHE we did tonight on being "Bucket-Fillers" in our families and following the Savior's commandment to Love One Another.

If you and your family haven't read Have You Filled a Bucket Today? I HIGHLY recommend running out and getting it!  My girls were lucky enough to be introduced to it at school and it has really changed the way we try to treat others inside and outside of our home.

The gist of the book is that we ALL have invisible buckets.  When we are kind to others, we become bucket-fillers.  However, when we are unkind, we then become bucket-dippers.  The really cool part is that as we fill others buckets...OUR buckets then get filled as well!!

I loved the visual this created for my children.  It has been so wonderful to see a situation where there is unkindness and be able to say "is that being a bucket-filler or a bucket dipper?'  I knew going into the month of December I wanted to focus on how we could all be "Bucket-Fillers", especially in our home!

I made this printable to hang up as a gentle reminder...what have we done during the day that has made someones lives happier or better?  And in turn...making OUR lives happier and better as well!

Then we talked about how just as we all have individual buckets, we have a family bucket as well.  We talked about the importance of being "bucket-fillers" in our family, and all working together to fill that bucket and follow the Savior's greatest commandment...to Love One Another.

Next to the bucket I put a pad of stationary and a pencil.  Every time one of us sees someone doing something that is filling our family bucket we write it down on a paper, fold it up, and place it in the bucket!  We made a goal to have the WHOLE bucket full by our FHE in 3 weeks.  I am so looking forward to reading together all the little acts of kindness that have brought more love and charity into our home, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate the month of our Savior's birth than by following his greatest commandment.


  1. so what are you having? :)
    And that sounds like a fabulous FHE and book, I'll definitely be tracking that book down. Thanks!

  2. Just saw this on pinterest. My high school math teacher would do this with us around Christmas time every year. It is really powerful and something I never forgot. I even started doing it in my classroom. I never knew there was a book. I am going to have to buy it. Thanks!
